The Retail Electricity Suppliers Association of the Philippines, Inc (RESA) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that caters to the needs of suppliers, end users, and other players in the Philippine power industry. RESA establishes a venue for discussion for matters pertaining to the implementation of the Retail Competition and Open Access in the Philippines. RESA currently has forty-one (41) active member companies.

Founding Members

RESA was formally incorporated on January 15, 2010. The founding members of the organization were:


RESA aims to be a prime mover in setting high industry standards for service and facilities for retail electricity customers through providing a forum for discussion with members and relevant government institutions for the better implementation of Retail Competition and Open Access in the Philippines.

Our Mission

To effectively represent the Supply Sector in the Philippine Electric Power Industry, promote the common interest of the Licensed Retail Electricity Suppliers in the country, and support the growth of the Retail Electricity Market through helping ensure a competitive playing field and responsive quality service to the Contestable Customers.

Our Vision

To be a prime mover in setting high industry standards for service and facilities to promote a sustainable and competitive market for Contestable Customers by providing a forum for discussion with members, relevant government institutions, and other stakeholders for better implementation of Retail Competition and Open Access in the Philippines.

Officers & Trustees